Why Your Financial Help is Needed
Generous donations are required for our church’s conservation, especially for the ageing sandstone. Many stones need to be replaced due to structural damage and leakage. Financial contributions also assist with the repairs and maintenance of the church and its furnishings, the running of the Parish Office, the expenses of the Parish Priest and the Parish Secretary’s salary.
How You can Make a Contribution
1. One-off Payment or Automated Donations
Please consider doing this via:
- electronic banking (full details available through the Parish Secretary); or
- credit cards – After clicking on the link to the credit card facility on this website, please select the drop down lists according to the following payments/donations:
Weddings for booking a wedding in the church Planned Giving An automated electronic alternative to using the weekly planned giving envelopes Baptisms for making a donation to the church for a Baptism General Donation donations for the conservation of the church and the Parish in general Events payments for sales of books, raffles, or any other parish events Pastoral Revenue donations for the clergy’s expenses Sacramental Programme payment for catechesis resources
2. Sunday Collections During Mass
Each Sunday, two collections are held during our Masses (one for our Parish; the other for the clergy’s expenses).
3. Weekly Planned Giving Envelopes
These are available from the Parish Secretary which can be put on either the first or second collection during any Sunday Mass. These planned giving envelopes enable you to make donations to St Benedict’s Church.
4. Bequests
Please also consider our Parish in making your Will. Bequests provide a lasting testimony to your involvement with the Parish, and will provide benefits for generations to come.
Privacy Policy
The information you provide will not be used in any way contrary to what is stated on the Privacy Policy of St Benedict’s Parish.
Thank you for considering to make a contribution. Your financial assistance will help perpetuate the witness this place of worship gives to Christ’s love in the inner city.